- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Prevention & Chronic Care
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Health & Safety Topics
- Healthy People 2030
- National Prevention Strategy
- Partnership for Prevention
- Prevention Institute
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Trust for America’s Health: Resource Library
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Prevention
- U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
Ideas for Action
- Professional Research Consultants Community Health Connection Quarterly Newsletter
- American Hospital Association’s Community Connections
- Blueprints for Violence Prevention
- Canadian Best Practices Portal for Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Communities Putting Prevention to Work
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Guide to Community Preventive Services
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Strategies Snapshot: Community Health in Action
- ChildTRENDS — Lifecourse Interventions to Nurture Kids Successfully (LINKS)
- Community Toolbox, Work Group for Community Health and Development, University of Kansas
- County Health Rankings and Roadmaps' "What Works for Health"
- Find Youth Info
- Health Evidence (free to register)
- National Governor’s Association Center for Best Practices: Health Division
- National Organization of County & City Health Officials: Model Practice Database
- New York Academy of Medicine’s Compendium of Proven Community-Based Interventions
- NREPP: National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices
- Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Model Program Guide
- Promising Practices Network
- SAMHSA’s Guide to Evidence-Based Practices
- Social Programs That Work
- World Health Organization: Interventions on Diet and Physical Activity: What Works
Based on the findings of this assessment, along with input fom key informants and community leaders, the following represent the health priorities identified for the community:Substance Use
Mental Health
Tobacco Use
Nutrition, Physical Activity & Weight
Heart Disease & Stroke
Disabling Conditions
Infant Health & Family Planning
Injury & Violence
Respiratory Disease
Access to Health Care Services